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   Helping to make a difference in local communities


Youth & Communities

Outreach Services

Connecting Youth & Community

Welcome to Mactaggart Youth and Communities Outreach Service

MYCOS -  formally known as Mactaggart Cyber Café.

We are funded through various Trusts and Grants such as Mactaggart Third Fund, Big Lottery Young Start, Robertson Trust etc.  In addition, where we can we generate our own income through hall lets (Highland Dancers, Kate’s Yoga etc)., and several fundraising events during the year.

We have a team of qualified staff and volunteers and a Board of Directors whom oversee the running of the Services.  In addition, we are provided support and guidance by Mid Argyll Youth Development Services (MAYDS) on an ongoing basis.

Overview of the services MYCOS provides:

MYCOS, is a charitable organisation based in the village of Port Ellen on the Island of Islay.  The objectives of the charity are to support children, young people, families and the wider community through various programs, projects and activities that meet the needs and wants of the service users.

Not only do we support children and young people via diversionary and after school activities but also through tailor made services that help fill gaps that come with rural living and support the most vulnerable and marginalised groups; including support for young carers, employability support, counselling etc.  

We also run clubs for the wider community including Bingo and over 55’s club.  Our centre is open regularly for activities and groups and we have strong partnerships across the island with organisations such as the Third Sector Interface, Social Work, Police, Mactaggart Leisure Centre and Education.

Charity Number:       SC028306

Company Number:   SC189928